
Welcome to Denver Mediation Services. Before engaging our services, you will want to “check us out”, to make sure that we are the right mediators for you. Therefore, we ask that you schedule a 30 minute courtesy consultation with us, via phone or Zoom.  Even if you do not choose to proceed with us, we can likely give you some information and answer any questions.


You can also call us at +1-720-744-2689, although we are frequently out of the office holding mediations and consultations. You are free to leave a message at this number, and also send a text with your information so that we can call you back. Or, you can email us at denmed@vmla.com with your questions and to request we contact you.


We ask each participant to sign our standard Agreement to Mediate (ATM) form.  This does not commit you to anything concerning your case, or to use us as your mediators, but it shows your understanding and agreement of the ground rules of mediation, and it allows us to speak confidentially. Please click here to sign the form online. Note, every person attending the mediation will be required to sign this form.


Before we confirm the mediation, we will speak to each of you privately to explain the mediation process, learn about your situation, and answer any questions. If you have not yet spoken to us privately, please book a call here:
When all participants have agreed that we are to be your mediators, we then set up a time for a 2-4 hour mediation session.


We will also at that time send out a PayPal invoice to each party for our fees. Fees can be paid with a credit card or online check, or via Venmo. Our standard rates are shown below, and we offer discounts in cases of hardship. 


The fees are per “side”, so if there will be more than one person attending the mediation session on a side, there is no additional fee. (However, all attendees attending the mediation session must sign the ATM, above). Fees must be paid before the mediation session. If either party fails to pay, the mediation session will be cancelled and the  other party will have their payment returned.

Mediation session and outcome

The mediation session itself is a Zoom meeting taking 2-4 hours. During the mediation session, certain agreements will be made between the participants.  We will document these agreements (as scriveners) and will send out a document or documents for you to sign. These are then your agreements. In some cases the agreements are documented on forms provided by the court.
If you wish to file any documents as part of a court case, you must do that. Mediators are not allowed to file documents on behalf of anyone else.


Please feel free to contact us to have your questions answered, and to see if we are the right mediators for you.